A company located in Terrassa (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

HERMEN has a long history of over 25 years in the development and implementation of packaging solutions in the sectors of perfumery, cosmetics, household products and pharmaceutical laboratories. They offer their clients a global advice to guarantee which elements are the most suitable to integrate in a project. They have the necessary facilities and a highly qualified human team with extensive experience in the sector with which they can guarantee any type of solution.
Manufacturers and Producers
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- All type of packaging solutions
- Cosmetics
- Electricity
- Habitat
- Other design manufacturing
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Activity classification (NACE)
- 3312 - Repair of machinery
- 2511 - Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures
Other information
- Founded: 1995
Last time updated June 2020
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