A company located in Puigcerdà (Girona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

Carlit is a family-owned manufacturer, packager and vendor of Catalan-cuisine meals and dishes, especially "trinxat" a dish of mashed potatoes, cabbage and bacon.
Manufacturers and Producers
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- Country-Style Pâté
- Duck Breast
- Head Baiona
- Salami-Type Sausage
- Serrano Ham
- Smoked Bacon
- Spinachy Trinxat
- Trinxat
- Trinxat with Potatoes Fried with Black Pudding Sausage
- Zucchini Trinxat
- Food
Activity classification (NACE)
- 1013 - Production of meat and poultry meat products
Other information
- Founded: 1998
- Brands: Carlit
- Swine meat, cuts, salted, dried or smoked (bacon and ham)
- Other meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excluding swine and bovine meat); edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal
- Sausages and similar products of meat, offal or blood
- Other prepared and preserved meat, meat offal or blood, except prepared meat and offal dishes
- Prepared meals and dishes based on meat, meat offal or blood
- Prepared meals and dishes based on vegetables
Last time updated March 2020
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