A company located in Barcelona (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory



Build38 delivers an advanced Cloud-Augmented Mobile App Security Platform, countering security threats on Mobile Apps. Featuring Mobile App Self-Protection, AI-driven Active App Hardening, and cloud-based Threat Intelligence (Mobile XDR), it elevates Mobile App Security to new heights. In ECSO RADAR taxonomy, Build38 excels in Identify and Protect capabilities, ensuring robust security for businesses.


Consultants, Audit and Engineering Companies. Software Developers


  • Cybersecurity
  • AI & Big Data
  • Cloud & Edge Computing

Products, services and capacities

  • App Security Framework
  • Cloud Access Security Brokers
  • Etc
  • IT Service Management
  • Mobile Security
  • Multilayered Protection
  • Software&Security Lifecycle Management
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
  • Supply chain risk monitoring solutions&Services


  • Animal Health
  • Automotive
  • Banks
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemicals & plastics
  • Consultancy & business services
  • Cosmetics
  • Culture
  • Education, training & editorial services
  • Electricity
  • Energy
  • Finance & insurance
  • Food
  • Freight logistics
  • Habitat
  • Health & Healthcare Services
  • ICT & Electronics
  • Infrastructures and construction
  • Machinery and capital goods
  • Mobility services
  • Motorcycles and light mobility
  • Other design manufacturing
  • Other services
  • Other transport industries
  • Packaging
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Public Administration
  • R&D
  • Rail mobility
  • Sports
  • Textiles & fashion
  • Tourism and leisure
  • Transformation of metals and other materials
  • Videogames
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Wines, cavas and drinks

Activity classification (NACE)

  • 6201 - Computer programming activities

Other information

  • Founded: 2019
  • Certificates: We do not have any quality certifications yet, but we are in the process of obtaining ISO 27001 certification. Expected in September.
  • Brands: Build38
  • Exporting to: Benelux, Global Markets (DACH

Last time updated June 2024

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