A company located in Sabadell (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

Better Care is a Medical Device Integration Solutions company from Sabadell (Barcelona). Better Care born was born as a spin-off of the Corporació Sanitaria Parc taulí promoted by clinicians, engineers and economists. Better Care's main product BC Link is a medical device integration suite capable to acquire high-resolution data from any medical device connected to the patient and provide value-based information to the caregivers to improve healthcare's quality and safety.
Software Developers
- IoT & Sensors
Products, services and capacities
- The BetterCare Link (BCL) software platform
- Health & Healthcare Services
Activity classification (NACE)
- 7211 - Research and experimental development on biotechnology
- 4651 - Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
Other information
- Founded: 2010
- Research and experimental development services in health, environmental, agricultural and other biotechnology
- Research and experimental development services in health biotechnology
- Research and experimental development services in environmental and industrial biotechnology
- Research and experimental development services in agricultural biotechnology
- Research and development originals in biotechnology
- Research and development originals in biotechnology
Last time updated January 2022
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