A company located in Barcelona (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory
Campbell scientific is a company that operates as an importer, manufacturer and to distributor of scientific measuring equipment, both in the United Kingdom and Europe. It was incorporated in 1985 and has its registered office in Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Distributors and Traders. Hardware Developers. Manufacturers and Producers. Service Providers
- Frontier materials
Products, services and capacities
- Media and control devices
- Outdoor cabinets
- Power supplies
- Sensors
- Software
- Telecommunications
- Tripods and turrets
- Agriculture
- Consultancy & business services
- Electricity
- Energy
- ICT & Electronics
- Infrastructures and construction
- Other transport industries
- Public Administration
- Waste
- Water
Activity classification (NACE)
- 4669 - Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
- 4676 - Wholesale of other intermediate products
Other information
- Founded: 2001
Last time updated January 2022
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