A company located in Barcelona (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory
Infotcom provides professional Consultancy, advice and maintenance for companies. According to ECSO RADAR taxonomy this company has the following capabilities: Identify, Protect, Detect and Respond. We are specialized in certification and best practices standards implementation and performing Internal Audit Plans mainly focused in security.
Consultants, Audit and Engineering Companies
- Digital Assets
- IoT & Sensors
- Cloud & Edge Computing
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- Access Mgmt
- Anti Spam/Virus/Worm/Malware
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Backup Security
- Communications coaching
- IT Service Mgmt
- Identity Mgmt
- Post-incident consulting
- Security Cert
- Software & Security Lifecycle
- Automotive
- Biotechnology
- Chemicals & plastics
- Consultancy & business services
- Education, training & editorial services
- Electricity
- Energy
- Finance & insurance
- Freight logistics
- Health & Healthcare Services
- ICT & Electronics
- Industrial Companies and Businesses
- Infrastructures and construction
- Machinery and capital goods
- Other design manufacturing
- Other services
- Other transport industries
- Packaging
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Photography
- Public Administration
- R&D
- Transformation of metals and other materials
- Videogames
Activity classification (NACE)
- 6202 - Computer consultancy activities
Other information
- Founded: 2007
- Exporting to: Australia, Mexico, Poland
Last time updated May 2024
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