A company located in Hospitalet de Llobregat, l' (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

WSN is a telecom and VoIP operator born in the incubation centre of the European Space Agency (ESA-BIC) in Barcelona.We are specialized in telecommunications and high-quality VoIP services in the maritime and terrestrial areas through our satellite links in the largest teleports in Europe. Thanks to their years of experience in the telecommunications sector, we can provide solutions for the maritime sector, in satellite connectivity as well as IP telephony and our HQ service (High quality VoIP satellite).
Service Providers
- Drones
Products, services and capacities
- Connectivity
- Consulting
- SIP Trunk
- SIP line
- Virtual DIDs
- R&D
- Videogames
Activity classification (NACE)
- 6190 - Other telecommunications activities
Last time updated January 2022
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