A company located in Cassà de la Selva (Girona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

Plastisol Cassa SL is an EPS manufacturing company that specializes in thermal insulation and moulded parts. Its activity focuses on two large sectors: food and construction. The company manufactures EPS blocks of different densities, which are subsequently machined using hot-wire technology into the shape of plates, casings, segments, etc., used for external insulation, flooring and roofing, lightening of floors, blocks for swimming pools, etc. It manufactures moulded parts for the industrial-packaging sector and boxes for packaging food products (fish, meat and horticultural products).
Manufacturers and Producers
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- Eps Blocks
- Eps Casings
- Eps Plates
- Eps Segments
- Industrial Packaging.
- Food
- Infrastructures and construction
Activity classification (NACE)
- 2016 - Manufacture of plastics in primary forms
- 2229 - Manufacture of other plastic products
Other information
- Founded: 1983
- Certificates: ISO 9000, Marca CE de producte
- Brands: Porexpan
Last time updated March 2020
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