A company located in Olot (Girona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

  • 2-5M € TURNOVER
  • 10-50 EMPLOYEES


OTC Engineering is a tech company that develops connectivity technologies and solutions for Automotive, Mobility, Industry and eHealth. With more than 10 years of experience in connectivity, the company is focused on improving mobility with its end-to-end connectivity platforms and customer-centric connected services. OTC Engineering's services include: Hardware design and development, software development, communication systems, control algorithms and others.


Design and R&D. Hardware Developers. Software Developers


  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud & Edge Computing
  • IoT & Sensors

Products, services and capacities

  • Authentication
  • Engineering Services for Mobility
  • Engineering for Product Development (ASPICE/FuSA/Cybersecurity compliance)
  • Hardware Security Modules
  • IoT Security
  • IoT&Engineering Solutions
  • Smart&Connected Mobility Solutions
  • Wireless Security


  • ICT & Electronics

Activity classification (NACE)

  • 2651 - Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation

Other information

  • Founded: 2013
  • Certificates: ISO 9001/2022 ISO 27001/(en procés)
  • Brands: ConnecTech, Connectind 4.0, i-ConnDrive
  • Exporting to: Europe, India, Japan, USA

Last time updated June 2024

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