A company located in Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

Qualipharma is a pharmaceutical consultancy whose main mission is to be the trusted partner of the biomedical industry. Its business units: Qualification, Training, GXP and FDA Consulting, CSV, Supply Chain & Quality and Regulatory Affairs, offer global support to the sectors: pharmaceutical, medical devices, cosmetics, biocides, food supplements, medical cannabis, hospitals, biosafety and advanced therapies.
Consultants, Audit and Engineering Companies
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- Computer System Validation (CSV)
- Consulting
- Production
- Regulatory Affairs
- Supply Chain & Quality
- Animal Health
- Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Industry
Activity classification (NACE)
- 7120 - Technical testing and analysis
Other information
- Founded: 2001
- Certificates: ISO 9001
- Brands: Match Consulting, Qloud, Qualipharma, e-learning
Last time updated June 2024
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