A company located in Rubí (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory



Rovalma is a company specializing in special steels and alloys for tools and machinery. They develop fusion and thermomechanical technologies, steel fabrication equipment, powder metal for additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies for large matrices and modules.


Service Providers


  • Frontier materials

Products, services and capacities

  • Fast-Cooling Steels
  • High-Load Applications Steels
  • Hot Work Steels
  • Low Thermal Conductivity Steels
  • Shaping of AHSS/UHSS Steels
  • Stainless Steels
  • Thermal Conductivity Steels
  • Wear Resistance Steels


  • Chemicals & plastics
  • ICT & Electronics
  • Transformation of metals and other materials

Activity classification (NACE)

  • 4672 - Wholesale of metals and metal ores

Other information

  • Founded: 1977

Last time updated January 2022

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