A company located in Abrera (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory
Tecnocim was created in 1988 to offer CAD / CAM computer products and services to companies. The first objective is to understand the Client's problems, provide the best solution and obtain the expected performance and maintain it over time.
Manufacturers and Producers
- Robotics & Collaborative Robotics
Products, services and capacities
- 3D Product configurator
- CAD/CAM/PDM Solutions
- Consultancy
- Measurement software
- Off-line programming for robots
- Software ERP
- software CAD/CAM
- Chemicals & plastics
- Habitat
Activity classification (NACE)
- 6202 - Computer consultancy activities
- 6201 - Computer programming activities
Other information
- Founded: 1997
This company has an ACCIO accredited advisor expert in smart industry.
Last time updated January 2022
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