A company located in Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

TRG has specialised in the manufacture of all types of products deriving from the transformation of sheet metal plate and tube. In our facilities, they deal with all types of projects with solvency and reliability from materials such as steel, stainless steel, aluminium, among others. We have a folding process, stamping, welding (manual and robotised), boilermaking, assembly of subsets. From one-off pieces or prototypes to large runs, from parts to fully finished sets.
Manufacturers and Producers
- Automation
- Robotics & Collaborative Robotics
Products, services and capacities
- CNC Folding
- Welding ( Mig Mag/Tig/Brazing/Robot/Cobot )
- Agriculture
- Automotive
- Energy
- Habitat
- Health & Healthcare Services
- ICT & Electronics
- Infrastructures and construction
- Machinery and capital goods
- Mobility services
- Motorcycles and light mobility
- Packaging
- Sports
- Transformation of metals and other materials
Activity classification (NACE)
- 2550 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
Other information
- Founded: 1987
- Certificates: ISO 9001, UNE-EN 1090
- Brands: EMS Metal Solutions, TRG
- Exporting to: France; The Netherlands, Germany
Last time updated June 2024
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