A company located in Puig-reig (Barcelona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

  • 2-5M € TURNOVER
  • 10-50 EMPLOYEES


Tesi Industrial Europa designs, develops and manufactures machines for production and packaging lines, mainly for the agri-food industry.


Manufacturers and Producers


  • Connectivity
  • Cloud & Edge Computing
  • Automation

Products, services and capacities

  • Paper and Plastic Interleavers
  • Tray Denester
  • Tray Loaders


  • Dairy Industry
  • Food
  • Meat Industry
  • Prepared Food

Activity classification (NACE)

  • 2830 - Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
  • 2893 - Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing

Other information

  • Founded: 1996
  • Clients: Agrocesa, Agromillora, Andreu, Avicosan, Avigal, Ballarà, Baucells, Bizerba, Cabrianes, Calatayud, Casa Comercial Almeida, Cegeco, Champlnter, CincoVillas, Comercial Logística de Calamocha, Costa Brava, Disporave, Dolz, Dulces Orteu, Elba, Flor Sierra de Jabugo, Frescos Delisano, Frey, Frimancha, Friselva, Frivall, Gallo, Gepesa, Germans Caus, Jamcal, La Canastita, La Granja, Lafuente, Mafrica, Mas, Milsa, Monbolet, Montesano, Nutripack, Patel, Ponex, Solutio, Solà, Torre de Nuñez, Torrent, Vall Companys, Valldan
  • Brands: Veserkal
  • Exporting to: Canada, Germany, Italy., Norway, Portugal, USA

Last time updated May 2024

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