A company located in Celrà (Girona) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

  • 2-5M € TURNOVER
  • 10-50 EMPLOYEES


Trocompsa is a company specialized in stamping and deep drawing all types of materials since 1978. In all these years our differential has been to be a partner of the costumers, involved in all phases of the project: initial design, prototypes, die construction, making the part and surfaces finishes or sets assembly, stamping machines until 400 tn and deburring and welding sections. The 60% of our customers are of the Automotive sector.


Manufacturers and Producers


  • No technology assigned

Products, services and capacities

  • Brackets for the automotive industry
  • Metal Components
  • Production Process
  • Stamping
  • Tubs and Impulsors in stainless steel for pumps of water
  • Welded Assemblies and Parts


  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Electricity
  • Infrastructures and construction
  • Motorcycles and light mobility
  • Other design manufacturing
  • Other transport industries
  • Rail mobility
  • Solar Energy

Activity classification (NACE)

  • 2550 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

Other information

  • Founded: 1978
  • Certificates: ISO 9001-2015
  • Brands: Trocompsa
  • Exporting to: China, France, Poland, Portugal

Last time updated May 2024

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