A company located in Juneda (Lleida) and included in the Catalonia Industry Suppliers directory

Urgel Ganadera S.A. URGASA company, is a quail slaughterhouse that also provides transportation services for all the activities of the group, that includes Aeropic SA, Sagra SA, and Transjuneda SL. It also includes Caillor SA, a French company that produces live animals for breeding and and quail eggs for consumption.
Manufacturers and Producers
- No technology assigned
Products, services and capacities
- Boneless Quail
- Duck Breast
- Duck Ham
- Duck Scallop
- Duck Thigh
- Duck Thigh Confit
- Foie Gras Block
- Foie Gras Entier
- Frozen Guinea Fowl
- Frozen Partridge
- Frozen Pekin Duck
- Frozen Pheasant
- Frozen Poussin
- Frozen Quail
- Game Hunting Birds
- Mi-Cuit
- Modified Atmposphere Packaging
- Packaged Meat Products
- Partridge
- Poussin
- Quail Breast
- Quail Eggs
- Quail Legs
- Quail Wings
- Quails
- Semi Boneless Quail
- Food
Activity classification (NACE)
- 1012 - Processing and preserving of poultry meat
- 1011 - Processing and preserving of meat
Other information
- Founded: 1980
- Brands: Caillor, Trésors De Cailles, Trésors De Canard, Urgasa
- Exporting to: France
- Poultry, live and eggs
- Poultry, live
- Ducks and guinea fowls, live
- Eggs, in shell, fresh
- Eggs from other poultry in shell, fresh
- Processed and preserved poultry meat
- Meat of poultry, fresh or chilled
- Meat of poultry, fresh or chilled
- Meat of poultry, frozen
- Meat of poultry, frozen
- Fats of poultry
- Fats of poultry
Last time updated March 2020
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